What we do
Versatile & Flexible
mediacat berlin is an agency that can support you in all aspects of digital communication. Ever since, mcb has been owner-managed. We work on schedule, with great attention to detail and even more practical experience. We do develop websites, write good texts, work as consultants. Since 2007 we have been committed primarily to freelancers and medium-sized companies. About 40% of our orders are related to technical support and counseling clients, most of these contracts are long-term agreements.
Perfect for smaller businesses
We love working for small business owners and freelancers. Antiquarians, artists, lawyers, doctors, craftsmen need good websites, but not neccessarily a large agency.
We prefer a varied field of work to a large budget. Contact us.
Work Fields
We provide you with comprehensive consultation, do copytext writing, graphics, coding, all tailored to your needs.
Concerning content management systems we prefer WordPress to all other, for good reasons, we are willing to explain any time.
Get in touch with us.
– Selection –
Magazine (german only)

Deshalb WordPress!
Content Management Systeme (CMS) gibt es viele. Warum wir finden, daß Sie sich für WordPress entscheiden sollten, erläutern wir Ihnen hier. Da gibt es viel mehr als nur Kostenargumente ...Read More

Das Content Management System: Thema Pflege
Immer wieder sage ich meinen Klienten, wenn Sie eine CMS-basierte Website haben möchten: «Es muß Ihnen aber klar sein, daß ein Content Management System technische Pflege und Wartung benötigt. Regel...Read More

Schreiben für die SEO?
Für Suchmaschinen texten? Doch, schon. Nur sollte ein Text zuallererst einmal interessant und lesbar sein. Die ersten Sätze sollten neugierig machen. Hier soll das Interesse des Lesers geweckt werden ...Read More
Why you need responsive design
2011 was the first year to sell more mobile devices (smartphone, notebook, tablet, etc.) than desktop computers, and the trend continues. As a result, today a website should be able to handle a wide variety of monitor sizes. This is where responsive web design comes kicks in: Media queries examine the device and browser window size with which the user visits the website and ensure that the website is displayed in a way that matches the size of the reported viewport.
Quelle: statcounter.com
… in pictures